“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge ” Questions
This helps create suspense by allowing us to think about what will happen to Farquhar later in the story.
The ways that the man’s perceptions of time and motion are distorted as he is waiting to by hanged by Farquhar’s mind is in slow motion because he is thinking that he has escaped and came back to his family but really his body is still at the bridge ready to be hanged. Distorted perceptions are important because it gives you the ability to have more time to think about what will happen and what you want to happen. It also foreshadows Farquhar’s death.
The narrator’s attitude toward Farquahar in Part II is that he thinks he has the ability to be a soldier and patriotic but he isn’t bright and gets himself killed.
It is ironic because Farquhar thinks he is a soldier and he gets the life like a soldier. Its ironic that Farquahar agrees to the saying because he loves to be a soldier and he thinks its fair but it really isn’t because people can be hanged for whatever reason.
The details about Farquhar thinking about his family and the bullets missing him suggest the journey in his mind. Farquhar has senses that are unnatural. The journey is Farquhar’s plan of escape just before he is hanged.
I think Farquhar’s final thoughts and sensations were realistic because if I was about to be hanged and killed, I would have thought about something similar and it would probably seem like it took a long time thinking about it.
It’s appropriate to have limited third-person point of view for this story because I gives the reader less thought about the character to find out that Farquhar is only thinking about is journey. The story might be different by we would know that Farquhar was only thinking that he escaped from his death and the ending would not have been surprising.
Bierce use of flashback made the story more of a mystery and suspense by knowing that Farquhar is about to be hanged and later finding out why.