Industrial Revolution Study Guide
Ch. 20, 21, and 22
Ch. 20
Enclosure: The process of taking over and fencing off land formerly shared by peasant farmer. Land was enclosed to gain pastures for sheep and increased wool output in the 1500’s.
Factories (How they worked): Places where workers and machines were brought together to produce large quantities of goods. Spinners and weavers came to these places everyday.
Turnpike: Privately built roads that charged a fee to travelers who used them. Capitalists invested in them to improve transportation.
Urbanization: A movement of people to cities. People migrated from farms to cities because of the demand for workers.
Utilitarianism: The idea that the goal of society should be “the greatest happiness for the greatest number” of its citizens. Jeremy Bentham preached this by 1800.
Socialism: The people as a whole rather than private individuals would own and operate the means of production. Socialism was meant to end poverty and injustice.
Communism: A form of socialism that sees class struggle between employers and employees as inevitable. The Communist Manifesto, which was published by Karl Marx and Engels, began the spectre of communism.
Proletariat: This is the working class of people during the industrial revolution. These proletariats were also known as the middle class, which was growing.
Michael Faraday: He was the first man to make an electrical generator. His generator worked by rotating a coil of wire between the poles of a magnet.
John Wesley: Wesley was the main leader who led the religious revival. He told all the Christians to live sober and more moral lives.
Karl Marx: He was the founder of communism. Marx believed that socialism of a Utopian view and he despised capitalism. He also believed that the middle class would sooner or later gain most of the control; and then wealth would be some what spread equally amongst the main majority of people.
Thomas Malthus: Malthus believed that very soon the population would out space the food supply so there would not be enough food. He believed the only things working against the increase in population were war, famine, and disease.
John Stuart Mill: This was Bentham’s chief follower, who believed that actions were right if they caused happiness but were wrong if they caused pain. He also believed that a free market is good.
James Watt: Watt improved the ways of the steam engine. He figured out how to make it run on coal instead of water.
Abraham Darby: He and his family were the main makers of iron during the times of this industrial revolution. Darby learned how to use coal to smelt iron with coal, which made it better quality iron, and cheaper to make.
David Ricardo: Ricardo was another British economist. He believed that poor families had too many kids, as did Malthus. He also believed that the more children though, the more workers, which meant lower wages, but higher employment.
Jeremy Bentham: Bentham is the main founder of utilitarianism. He believed in all the ideas of utilitarianism, and also believed that people should have their own personal freedom; the government should only intervene under certain circumstances.
Robert Owen: Owen was born poor but turned into a very successful mill owner. He built many homes for workers, and made many schools for children.
Britain's population growth (why did it happen?): The British population kept growing and growing, which could be good for the economy and work, but bad for poverty. The population kept growing because goods were getting cheaper and more affordable, so people were not starving and dieing off as much so they had time to have more children.
Importance of coal to Industrialization- Coal was very important because it was used for two purposes mainly. It was used as a fuel for powering steam engines and it was used to smelt iron.
Agricultural Revolution: The Agricultural Revolution sparked up causing a much greater amount of goods being produced. This made the goods cheaper and more families could afford the goods.
Textile industry: This is the industry in which cloth was mass produced with the new machines which made it easier such as the spinning mule. This textile industry enabled people to have more than just one set of clothes.
Laissez faire economics (Adam Smith): Laissez fair economics is the idea that there should be a free economy with no government intervention. Adam Smith was the “prophet” of laissez faire economics and he believed that a free market would not just help the rich. He also believed that a free market would produce more goods and lower prices.
Ch. 21
Ideology: Ideology is a system of thought or belief. For about a period of 30 years Europe was in great turmoil because many people had different ideologies.
Universal manhood suffrage: This is the idea that all men should be able to vote. Liberals used to think that only men with land should be able to vote till they believed that all men should be able to vote.
Autonomy: The Balkans were a group under the Ottoman Empire who kept rebelling till they finally achieved autonomy. It literally means self rule.
El Grito de Dolores: Dolores was a father at a church who summoned a bunch of people to a meeting urging the people to fight for Mexico’s freedom. At first a small army formed, but then all the people rejected Dolores’.
February Days: Once the government tried to stop public meetings it became a time know as the “February Days” where there where tons of protests and blockades made Louis Philippe flee England..
Frankfurt Assembly: This was an assembly of the people from Germany who got together and discussed topics such as weather Germany should be a republic or monarchy. This assembly offered William IV the crown to Germany but he said no because he was not offered the crown from princes or royalty, but the gutter, the people.
Simon Bolivar: Bolivar was a wealthy Latin American who believed in the ideas of liberty, equality, and brotherhood. He was determined to liberate North and South America from Spain.
Miguel Hidalgo: Hidalgo was a leader of the revolts of Dolores. A lot of people came to him and admired him. People came to him for help. He led the people of Dolores to their freedom.
Louis Kossuth: Kossuth was the leader of the Hungarian nationalists. He believed that serfdom should be ended, and also believed there should be a written constitution.
Tupac Amaru: Amaru was a leader who demanded the ending of brutal system of Indian labor. He was rejected by the Spanish government, so Tupac Amaru organized a large revolt, but was crushed by the Spanish.
Louis XVIII: Louis XVIII developed a constitution which made two houses of legislature and gave some freedom of the press. The middle class still wanted suffrage, the radicals still wanted a republic, and the poor still wanted more money and food.
John Stuart Mill: Mill was Bentham’s chief follower who believed that actions were right if they caused happiness but were wrong if they caused pain. He also believed that women should have the same rights that men do.
Toussaint L' Ouverture: Ouverture was born as into slavery in Haiti. He was determined to free the little island of Haiti.
Louis Napoleon: Napoleon was the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, and also the new emperor of France. He was voted into office mainly because of his name, and also because some people though he was actually Napoleon Bonaparte.
Louis Philippe: Louis Philippe was the ruler of England who tried to stop public meetings. This caused the time know as the “February Days” and so this new ruler fled England.
Clemens Von Metternich: Metternich was a very conservative leader who did not believe in things such freedom of the press. He told other conservative rulers to crush any uprising revolts that appeared.
Pedro: Pedro was a leader from Brazil who was told by his father to give the people exactly what the wanted. The people wanted their freedom so he gave it to them.
Revolts in Austrian empire: There were many revolts over starvation in Austria. People would do anything to get bread and water.
Goals of nationalists: Nationalists believed that each national group should have its own state. The Serbs a group of nationalists in the Ottoman Empire from the Balkan group started to revolt. They revolted untill they achieved autonomy or a self-rule within an empire.
Conservative ideology in Europe: The conservatives in Europe wanted no change unlike the liberals. The conservatives wanted things to be as they were before the French revolution.
Ch. 22
Interchangeable parts: These are identical components that could be used in place of another like it. These parts made it much easier for companies to assemble and repair things.
Assembly line: This is where there was a “line” of people where parts would go from to station to station, a new part added onto the whole, until the whole good is made. This made production of goods go a lot faster.
Corporation: Corporation is a large business owned by many investors who buy shares of stock. This is a way a business did not have to pay for everything themselves and also if the company did good the stock prices would go up and make the stockholders more wealthy.
Cartel: This is a group of large corporations. These corporations would form together, fix prices, set product quotas, and divide up the markets.
Women's suffrage: This is the rights which allowed women to vote. As women kept getting more and more rights like the ability to own land, they wanted to be able to vote as well. Many men opposed this, saying things such as that women are to emotionally unstable.
Racism: Racism is a prejudice against a certain race or races of people. Social Darwinism encouraged and supported racism, believing that one social group is better than another.
Social gospel: This is a movement which told Christians to social service. They wanted reforms in housing, health care, and education.
Romanticism: Romanticism was a movement which showed different looks on topics such as in the forms of the arts. Writers would write against the Enlightenment emphasis, and artists would use new bold colors in paintings.
Realism: Realism is a movement to show the world as it really is, the opposite of romanticism. Realism art would normally show the harsher sides of life.
Impressionism: This movement was to keep artwork still in competition even though cameras were around. This movement showed the first impression on something seen from a viewer’s eye.
Social Darwinism: These were ideas formed by people from the theories of Darwin. The main idea of Social Darwinism is the belief that the strongest and best will survive while the rest will die off.
Darwin: Darwin believed in evolution and survival of the fittest. He said that the best animals and plants would live while the others would die off.
Joseph Lister: Lister discovered that antiseptics preventing infection. This was really the first time people became aware of germs and started to clean themselves better.
Factory life (How it changed the lives of workers): Factory life was not good there were no labor laws. There were long work hours and there was the risk of being fired if you did not show up.