Home English 2 World History

Pros and Cons of Industrialization

            There are many benefits from industrialization but there are also some consequences. The benefits can range from having enough food to feed the growing population to the technological advances that can aid us in the working industry. Consequences can be people that lose their jobs from being sick or from being injured. Other benefits from industrialization include the production of mass amounts of goods that people can get them with ease. The prices also can drop down and this would allow people to afford them. More jobs would be open to workers when new factories were built. Worker’s wages could al be increased which helped them pay for rent or to just by a newspaper to read. Some consequences include long hours of work which happened in the beginning of industrialization. There was no sanitation system and diseases such as Cholera spread. Children were also victims of the industrialization age where they worked from the age of five with low pay.  The poor remained to live in harsh conditions where they would have to live in small homes. Their family sometimes would have to be crammed in a single room. Industrialization, I think, can bring more good than bad. More benefits include more entertainment for their liking such as music, theaters, museums, libraries. Sports were also another factor to the growing population. Higher education was brought by the increase of schools and universities. The schools thought punctuality, obedience to authority, disciplined work habits, and patriotism. This was thought to produce better citizens. Another benefit from industrialization is when people understood how germs can cause diseases; they washed their clothes and bathed themselves. This created better hygiene and a decrease rate of disease and death. Industrialization may bring hardships in the beginning but in the end, it can produce more goods for more people.



            I agree with Alex Berman about industrialization changing the way people are living. Its changed by we used to do mainly just farm work and now there are many jobs such as being a scientist or an engineer. I also agree with Alex about the production of electric energy the industrialization has created. With this energy, we can light up our homes, light up the streets or use it for electrical devices such as the computer. Although there are benefits from this, there are also some flaws. These include power outages that can bring blackouts to cities. Electricity is limited and should be used responsibly. Without it, it would make things hard to power up machines to produce the goods that we need such as manufactured food. Industrialization can also give us technological advances for example what Alex gave, the internal combustion engine. If this allows us to create energy, maybe in the future energy there will be enough energy produced that we will not have to worry how much power we are using. Advances like these can lead up to a world where lack of resources will not be a problem. Some problems we may face in the binning would be the hard work that will be needed to produce these advances. Arguments might be made on how a thing should work and how it could affect the environment. Some might spend their whole life savings, and even lose their jobs to figure out how a thing should work. After all the hardships that were done in the beginning; I believe that it is worth the effort and that more good will be produced by these advances.