Home English 2 World History

Renaissance, Reformation, and Enlightenment Study Guide

Ch 14


Annul- to cancel or invalidate. Henry VIII asked the pope to annul or cancel his marriage to Catherine


Gravity- force that tends to pull one mass or object to another. Newton used mathematics to show that a single force keeps the planets in their orbits around the sun which was gravity.


Patron- person who provides financial support for the arts. Lorenzo was a patron or a financial supporter of the arts.


Perspective- artistic technique used to give drawing and paintings a three-dimensional effect. Renaissance artists learned this by making distant objects smaller than those close to the viwer.


Theocracy- government run by church leaders. Calvin set up a theocracy by keeping with his teachings.


John Calvin- John Calvin was the most important reformer to follow Martin Luther. He Published the Insitutes of the Christian Religion which he set forth his religious beliefs.


Henry VIII- Henry VIII wanted to end papal control over the English church. Henry only had on son, Edward, after the married four more times.


Leonardo da Vinci- Leonardo was one of the most brilliant painter and sculptor during the renaissance. He made his masterpieces by making sketches of nature and of models in his studio.


Lorenzo de' Medici- Lorenzo was a Clever politician and he held Florence together during difficult times. He was also a poet and some of his works are in collections of Italian verse.


Niccolo Machiavelli- Machiavelli wrote a book, The Prince, to combine his personal experience of politics with his knowledge of the past to offer a guide to rulers on how to gain and maintain power. He saw himself as an enemy of oppression and corruption.


Heliocentric- based on the belief that the sun is the center of the universe. Nicolaus Copernicus proposes this model of the universe.


Humanism- intellectual movement at the heart of the Italian Renaissance that focused on wordly subjects rather than on religious issues. Humanist scholars hoped to use the wisdom of the ancients to increase their understanding of their own times.


Indulgence- in the Roman Catholic Church, pardon for sins committed during a person’s lifetime. The Church granted indulgences for only good deeds.


Predestination- idea that God long ago determined who will gain salvation. This was preached by Calvin.


Recant- to give up one’s view or beliefs. The Church tried to persuade Luther to recant.


Copernicus- Copernicus was the founder of modern anatomy. He proposed that the earth was the center of the universe and that the sun and the surrounding stars revolved around it.


Durer- Durer traveled to Italy to study from Italian masters learning painting, engraving and prints that portray the religious up heaves. He helped to dread Italian renaissance through his homeland.


Luther- Martin Luther triggered the revolt when protests against Church abuses erupted. Luther drew up his 95 Thesis which was a list against indulgences.


Newton- He developed a theory to explain why the planets moved as they did. He used mathematics to show that gravity keeps the planets in their orbits around the sun.


Petrarch- Petrarch was an early Renaissance humanist. He wrote literature of his own.


Renaissance Focus- The Renaissance focused on the understanding of the natural world.


Printing of Reformation- This led to world wide literature and it let everyone read.


Results of Reformation- The results were


Causes of Renaissance- Some causes of the Renaissance were breakthrough technology and the black plague.



Hobbes- Hobbes was an English thinker who set forth ideas for the enlightenment. He set out his idea titled as leviathan and he stated that people were naturally cruel to escape this people entered into the social contract.

Locke- Locke had a more optimistic view of human nature. He stated that people had natural rights that were obtained at birth. He also rejected absolute monarchy and accepted parliament in the struggle against the Stuarts.

Joseph II- Joseph II was an eager student of the enlightenment, he traveled in disguise among his subjects to learn their problems. Joseph chose middle class official rather than nobles to head departments a range of political reforms.

Constitional govt.- a government whose power is defined and limited by law. The constitution was not a single document but made up of acts of the parliament.

Enlightened despot- some monarchs accepted enlightenment ideas the rulers used there power to bring upon social and political changes.

Natural laws- these laws govern human nature. By implying scientific knowledge the inventors changed human lives.

Natural rights- these are rights available to all humans by birth. The rights include liberty and prosperity. This gave people the right to over throw the government.

Physiocrat- This focused on economical reform. The system looked for natural laws to define a rational economy.

Bach- Bach he was a German Lutheran who wrote complex and beautiful for religious works for organ and choir.

Divert- Divert was a philosopher who produced a 28 volume encyclopedia, the articles for the encyclopedia are still used today. His purpose was to increase the way of thinking.

Tom Paine- Paine was an immigrant of England wrote with passion under a cool banner of reasoning common sense and echoed the theme of the enlightenment.

Rousseau- Rousseau he was the most controversial composer he came from a poor family. He never felt comfortable with other thinkers. He also believed that people in their natural state were good.

Robert Walpole- Walpole modeled the cabinet into a unified body requiring all members to agree on all issues. Ever after his death the age of Walpole was a time of peace and prosperity.

Baroque- the art of architecture was either in classical tradition. These paintings were huge and colorful and full of excitement.

Free Market- the natural force of supply and demand. This allowed operation and regulation businesses.

Laissez Faire- The system that allows for businesses to operate without any problems occurring through the government.

Salon- informal social gatherings at which writers, artist and philosophers exchange all ideas. It formed during the late 1600’s when a group of friends had a poetry reading.

Social Contract- an agreement by which they gave up the state of nature for an organized society.  An orderly government can only ensure an orderly society.