Home English 2 World History


Revolutions and Nationalism

Study Guide Ch. 19 & 23


Ch. 19


Suffrage- the right to vote. This was extended to all male citizens and not just to property owners.


Sans-culottes- working- class men and women who called for radical action in France during the French Revolution. It was supported among radical leaders in the Legislative Assembly.


Abdicate- to give up a high office. Napoleon stepped down from power when his enemies closed in France.


Deficit spending- situation in which a government spends more money than it takes in. Financial crisis was from hand in hand with social unrest.


Plebiscite- ballot in which voters have a direct say on an issue. Napoleon held these at each step on his rise to power.


Blockade- the shutting off of a port to keep people or supplies form moving in or out. Britain responded with a block of European ports.


Bourgeoisie- the middle class. This included the prosperous bankers, merchants, and manufacturers who propped up the French economy


Nationalism- feeling of pride in and devotion to one’s country. This spread throughout France.


Émigré- person who flees his or her country for political reasons. These include nobles, clergy, and others who had fled revolutionary France.


Louis XVI- He was the king of France when revolts were taken. He slowly accepted the reforms of the National Assembly.


Clemens von Metternich- He was invited to be a representative at Vienna. He wanted to restore the status quo of 1792.


Napoleon- Napoleon became emperor of France when he built up enough power. He brought order, security, and efficiency replaced liberty, equality, and fraternity as the slogans of the new regime.


Olympe de Gouges- Gouges wrote “The Rights of Women.” She strived for women equality with men in all aspects of both public and private life


Robespierre- Robespierre guided the counterrevolutionaries. He was a shrewd lawyer and politician who quickly rose to the leadership of the Committee of Public Safety.


Jacques Louis David- David was the leading artist in the period where French arts moved toward a grand classical style. His paintings helped shaped the way future generation pictured the French Revolution.


who denounced Fr. Rev? Why?- Napoleon denounced the French Revolution. He was pressed all around.


Reign of Terror- The chief architect of the Reign of Terror was Robespierre that lasted from about July 1793 too July 1794. About 40,000 people died during the Terror.


Napoleon annexed who? He annexed some areas to France including the Netherlands and Belgium as well as parts of Italy and Germany.


Congress of Vienna- Diplomats and heads of state sat down with each other at the Congress of Vienna. The task was to restore stability and order in Europe after 25 years of war.


Ch. 23


Alexander II- During the Crimean War, Alexander II came to the throne in 1855. He finally agreed to the reforms when he was pressed from all sides.


Francis Joseph- The 18 year old Francis Joseph inherited the throne until 1916. He realized he needed to strengthen the empire at home and made some reforms.  


Giuseppe Garibaldi- Garibaldi was a longtime nationalist and an ally of Mazzini. He wanted to create an Italian republic.


Otto von Bismarck- Bismarck was a chancellor and also a new power in Europe. He pursed several foreign policy goals.


William II- William II was confident of his abilities and wished to put his own stamp on Germany. He also resisted efforts to introduce democratic reforms.


Camillo Cavour- Cavour was Victor Emanuel’s prime minister. He was a flexible, practical, crafty politician, that had the will to use almost any means to achieve goals.


Anarchist- person who wants to abolish all government. Socialists organized strikes while they

were doing this.


Refugee- person who flees his o her homeland to seek safety elsewhere. Many Jewish refugees had left to the United States


Pogrom- violent attack on a Jewish community. Jews were beat and killed by gangs and they looted and burned their homes and stores.


Realpolitik- Translates for Real Politics. Bismarck was the master of Realpolitik.


Zemstvo- local elected assembly set up in Russia under Alexander II. They were made for road repair, schools, and agriculture.


economic development in Germany- The industrial development were part from the abundant of coal and iron resources. Growth was due from educated skilled work force and the growth of population helped the need for workers to build shelter.


Nationalism threatened? who? (which country the most)- The Prussian threatened the Germans in the war of 1870.  Bismarck led the Germans and defeated the Prussians.


Revolution of 1905- The discontent of Russia increased and strikes multiplied. Workers would take over local governments in some cities.