Home English 2 World History


Russian Revolution Journals


Journal#1- Recall WWI and the conditions in Russia in 1800s and early 1900s. List

possible causes for the Russian Revolution in 1917.


Russia during World War I had a poor economy and they were low on supplies for their soldiers. Many soldiers did not even have a gun. This caused many casualties for Russia in WWI. Russia also had many buildings and structures destroyed which caused danger to walk on the streets. The Russian Revolution was caused by the food and fuel shortages. Russians were unhappy with how they are leaving and they demanded a change.


Journal #2- What problems angered the people of St. Petersburg?


The lack of food angered many people of St. Petersburg. The people on the streets would cry out “bread, bread!” The soldiers on the streets refused to fire at demonstrators. The czar eventually could not withhold the outcry and abdicated. A temporary government was then established.


Journal #3- Why is it often difficult to establish democracy in a country without a tradition of democratic government?


It is often difficult to establish democracy in a country without a tradition of democratic government because the people are too used to being told what to do. The people may not know how to make good decisions for their country. Some might even overuse their freedom and start groups that may overrun the government.