Kevin Beadle
Mr. Haskell
World History
21 March 2006
Ch. 29-30 Study Guide
Totalitarianism/ Democracy in Crisis
Ch. 29
Apartheid- This was a system of racial segregation. The whites
enforced this because they wanted to ensure their power over them in South
Africa from 1910 to 1940. Blacks were also pushed into lower paying and less
skilled forms of work.
Civil Disobedience- This is the refusal to obey unjust laws. Henry
David Thoreau was an American philosopher in the 1800’s that believed in civil
Diego Rivera- He was an artist with some artwork pieces that
received worldwide acclaim. Cultural nationalism was reflected in the paintings
that revived mural paintings and Rivera was one of those artists.
Hirohito- The 124th
emperor of Japan
from 1926-1989. His reign was the longest of any historical Japanese emperor,
and oversaw many significant changes to Japanese society.
Jiang Jieshi- He took over as the leader of the Goumindang in 1925
after Sun Yixian’s death. Jiang was an energetic young officer and he had
previous military training in Japan. He had little interest in a democracy or
Muhammad Ali Jinrah- An Albanian Muslim soldier he was appointed
governor of Egypt in 1805. He conquered lands in Arabia, Syria, and Sudan and
introduced a number of political and economic reforms.
Nationalization- This is the government takeover of natural
resources. The new constitution allowed for the government to takeover large
plots of land, and set restrictions on foreigners owning land due to
Pancho Villa- He fought for his own personal power, but had a
loyal peasant following. He was a rebel from the North and killed 17 Americans
in New Mexico.
Cause of the 1910 Mexico Revolution- Caused by the restless ness
of the factory workers and peasants in the 1900’s. Diaz resigned in 1911 when
facing rebellion in several parts of the country.
Pan-Africanism- Dubois organized the first Pan-Aryanism Congress
in 1919. These people met in Paris were the victorious allies held their peace
Mandate System (M. East)- Administered
by Europe, controlled the Arabs heavily. Angered many peoples in the
Middle East.
Great Salt March- This was a march led by Gandhi and was done to
challenge the British’s choice of having the salt monopoly. This monopoly
required that no one go to the sea for salt and that you need to buy it from the
British, but to prove his point Gandhi went to the sea with many followers to
prove his point of not needing the British.
May Fourth Movement- The goal of this movement was to strengthen
China much like the goals of previous reforms. Women played a key role in the
may fourth movement as they marched and campaigned to end arranged marriages and
women seclusion in the home.
Effect of Great Depression in Japan- he depression hit Japan with
tremendous force in 1929 and troubled Japans economy. Prices for exports
dropped, no one could afford the fine silks and clothes made by Japan and
unemployment in the cities soared higher.
Ch. 30
General Strike- A strike by workers in many different industries
at the same time. A general strike in the 1920’s in Britain lasted nine days 3
million workers were on strike.
Stream of Consciousness- A technique of writing in which a writer
probes a charter’s random thoughts and feelings without imposing any logic or
order.. British novelist Virginia Woolf used stream of consciousness to explore
the hidden thoughts of people as they go through the ordinary actions of their
everyday lives.
Flapper- Liberated young women who rejected old ways. The first
flappers were Americans but their European sisters soon adopted the fashion.
Concentration Camp- Detention centers for civilians considered
enemies of a state. Hitler used concentration camps for the extermination of
the Jews one particular camp was Auschwitz.
Leon Blum- Socialist French leader whose Popular Front government
tried to solve labor problems. The far left extremists brought down his
Marie Curie- A polish born French scientist who began
experimenting with radioactivity. She discovered that the atoms of certain
elements, such as radium and uranium spontaneously release charged particles.
Franklin D. Roosevelt- American president who introduced the New
Deal, which was a massive package of economic and social programs. The American
economy began to rise and many new social programs were introduced.
Virginia Woolf- A British novelist who used stream of
consciousness. She authored novels like To the Lighthouse and Mrs. Dalloway.
Albert Einstein- A German born physicist, he advanced the theories
of relativity. He argued that space and time measurements were not absolute,
and said they are determined by many factors, some unknown.
James Joyce- An Irish novelist he wrote Finnegan’s Wake. He
explored the mind of a hero who remains sound asleep throughout the novel.
Pablo Picasso- Famous Spanish artist created style called Cubism.
The style broke three-dimensional objects into fragments and then composed them
into complex patterns of angles and planes.
Joseph Pilsudski- He was a Polish dictator who gained power in
1926. Right-wing dictators emerged in every Eastern European country except
Czechoslovakia and Finland.
Frank Lloyd Wright- He invented the manned airplane. He flew a
legendary flight at Kitty Hawk, this achievement would change future wars like
Kellog-Briand Pact- Signed by almost every nation in the world,
made war less important than it was in the past. Calmed down
many battles between countries.
Fascism- A term used to describe an authoritarian government that
is not communist. Fascist governments began to rise all across Europe in the
Adolph Hitler- Leader of the National Socialist German Workers who
authored Mein Kampf and made himself dictator. He was born in Austria in 1889
and developed Germany into a country able of take on all of Europe.
Totalitarian Rule- Rule under a one party dictatorship it
regulates every aspect of citizens’ live. Adolph Hitler and Mussolini were
totalitarian rulers.
Mein Kampf- The “holy book” of Nazi goals and ideology. It
reflected Hitler’s obsessions of extreme nationalism, racism, and anti-Semitism.
Campaign Against the Jews- Hitler began a campaign against Jews,
and in 1935 and the Nuremberg Laws placed severe restrictions on the Jews. In
November 1938, a young Jew whose parents had been mistreated in Germany shot a
German diplomat in Paris. This was Hitler’s excuse to attack all Jews.
Great Depression- Began in 1929 in the United States. It quickly
spread to the rest of the world, bringing hardship both to urban workers and
rural families as it destroyed the economy.
Mussolini- In 1922 Mussolini made himself leader of the new
Italian government. He was a leader who corrected many of Italy’s social
problems, but ruled with an iron fist.
Weimar Republic- This was a government set up to rule post WWI
Germany. It was hated by WWI veterans and was very ineffective.
Kristallnacht- Also known as the Night of Broken Glass.
Nazi mobs attacked Jews throughout Germany.
List causes of Great Depression-
1) Economy fell into shambles after the stock market crashed.
2) Unemployment became rampant, President did not interfere at all.
3) Money became intensely sparse, families struggled to survive.