Kevin Beadle
Mr. Haskell
World History
6 February 2006
Ch. 27
Militarism- Militarism is the glorification of the army. During the times of WWI the countries which fought in these wars had to have great support towards their countries army, or basically glorify the army.
Ultimatum- An ultimatum is a statement of terms made by on of the parties given to another party. For example one time one of these were used was when Austria took over Serbia and gave them a ultimatum to abide by.
Mobilize- This word mean literally to make movable. With the new technologies like airplanes and better land vehicles the armies of different countries were able to get places quicker and faster.
Neutrality- Neutrality means to be neutral, or to not be on anyone’s side. The U.S was neutral for a lot of time during WWI until Lusitania, a boat, was sunk with 128 American citizens and many other nations’ peoples on it.
Total War- The entire WWI war was between the countries such as Germany, the U.S, Austria, and many other countries. This war was a “World War” so most the world was involved; Germany was the main country involved.
Propaganda- Propaganda are things which give out wrong information purposely to make people have the wrong idea. All countries in WWI used propaganda posters to insure the reason why the country was involved in the war, and to get support from the people for the war.
Atrocity- This is an appalling or illegal cruelty preformed by an armed force on a civilian, or a prisoner. Things like this happened in different countries during WWI.
Armistice- This is basically a truce, or a mutual consent of countries to cease fire. Germany was forced to sign one of these, which basically ended the war.
Reparations- This is to be in the act of repairing something. After the war there was so many reparations that it costed a ton of money. Even a ton of people died, about 10 million.
Mandate- This is a command or an instruction. Wilson commanded Germany to sign a piece treaty.
Edith Cavell- She was an English nurse. She was shot and killed for nursing and helping Allied prisoners.
Georges Clemenceau- Georges was a political man known as the “Tiger.” His major role was being the minister of war. The person he really had problems with was Woodrow Wilson.
Alfred Nobel- He was a Swedish chemist and inventor. Nobel was the man who first invented dynamite.
Gavrillo Princip- He was the man who went and assonated Archduke Franz Ferdinand. He did this and then was taken to jail before he could commit suicide, but then he died of tuberculosis only a little bit after he was captured.
Sarajevo- This is the capitol of Bosnia and Hercegovina. This is the area where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrillo Princip.
Woodrow Wilson- He was the president of the U.S at the time of WWI. He maid the Fourteen Points. He made Germany sign a treaty as well to end the war.
(Wilson's Fourteen Points Points)- This treaty was made by Wilson to make the world peaceful once again. These 14 points did not only start to make things more peaceful but also put Wilson in charge of making things more peaceful. This gave Wilson more power.
Francis Ferdinand- He was the man who was assonated by Gavrillo Princip. He was told to be ware of assignation, but was still assonated in a town called Sarajevo.
Kaiser William II- He was the King of Prussia and the emperor of Germany. During the times of WWI his power started to decline. William was abdicated and he fled to Holland.
Bertha Von Sutner- She was born into a Austrian military family and became a tireless worker for peace. She organized an Austrian peace society and convinced her friend Alfred Nobel to fund the Nobel Peace Prize.
Triple Alliance- This was when Germany was first allied with Russia and Austria. This was the cause of other little alliances so people felt like they would have a chance if they stuck together.
Ottoman Empire- The Ottoman was an empire that at one time was very strong from a strong centralized government. During the times of WWI was the Ottoman’s decline period. Things such as the Turks attacking the Suez Canal weakened the Ottomans.
Trench Warfare- This type of warfare involved the famous long trenches with the barbed wire in front of it to protect the gunmen form any brutal attack. WWI was the first war with the good enough gun technology to make these trenches useful. When going against a trench the main goal was to blow a gap in it.
Machine Gun (role it played in WWI)- The first type of machine gun was mad by a man with the last name of Gatling to produce the gatling gun. An improvement on this gun was used a lot of the time in WWI to mow down troops and to just basically put out a ton of bullets really fast, something a pistol could not do.
Airplane (role it played in WWI)- WWI was realty the first war that airplanes were used in. This definitely changed the methods of attack. There were air battles and also bombs that could be dropped with airplanes.
Role of Women in WWI- Women did not actually fight in the battle of WWI but instead wear tings like nurses to fix up the injured from battle. Also so women just stayed at home and took care of the house.
Nationalism (ie. tension between France and Germany)- The French were very much nationalists. This affected Germany because it made them turn into a bunch of nationalists. During WWI people kind of had to be nationalists because they had to support their country and troops.
Paris Peace Conference- This was the conference which was held to end the war. The peace treaties were signed here.
American Neutrality- The U.S was neutral for a lot of time during WWI until Lusitania, a boat, was sunk with 128 American citizens and many other nations peoples on it. This really got the U.S upset so they joined in the war.
Black Hand- This was a terrorist group also known as the Unity of Death. Princip Gavrilo was a member of this terrorist group and was the killer of Francis Ferdinand.
Treaty of Versailles- This was the treaty which made Germany acknowledge guilt for the war. Once Germany signed these treaties the war was basically over.
Self Determination- Germany was so self determined to be very powerful but they still, even after the war, did not get what they wanted. Germany had the self determination but the odds were against them with the much larger amount of people against them.
Shleiffen Plan- This plan was created by a German military chief Alfred von Schlieffen it was an offensive plan against France. This plan he created was not successful.
U boat- Boats were used very much in WWI to transport men. Boats were a way to get men across the ocean in large masses.
Lusitania- This was the ship which was sunk with 128 U.S citizens on it. This really got the U.S upset and made the U.S basically join in the war.
Armistice- This is basically a truce, or a mutual consent of countries to cease fire. Germany was forced to sign one of these, which basically ended the war.
Mandate- This is a command or an instruction. Wilson commanded Germany to sign a piece treaty.
War Reparations- After the war there was so many reparations that it cost a ton of money. Even a ton of people died, about 10 million. Here are always huge amounts of damage after any war whether it is damages people wise or structural damages.
Western Front- Germany thought its western front was endangered by the French. This caused Germany to go to war with France even though they were neutral at the time.
Eastern Front- Russia was on the western front and of course Germany was going to war with them. Russia was angry with Germany for ditching them as allies.
Verdun- This is a city of northeast France on the Meuse River west of Metz. In this city the French repelled a giant German attack.
Battle of Marne- This battle was named for the Marne River. The Germans won neither of the two parts of this battle.