Kevin Beadle

Mr. Haskell

World History

30 May 2006


Cold War Exam Ch. 32-33

CH. 32:

terrorism- The deliberate use of random violence, especially against civilians, to exact revenge to achieve political goals. The world has seen a rise in terrorism since the 1960’s

privatization- The selling off of state owned industries to private investors. They believe that this would produce a higher quality of goods.

nonaligned- This meant that a country would not be aligned with any other country. Many new nations adopted this.

multinational corporation- These are enterprises with branches in many countries. They brought new technology to labor.

liberation theology- This was to oppose the social conditions that contribute to poverty. People were asking this from the Catholic Church.

interdependence- This is the dependence of countries for goods, resources, and knowledge from other parts of the world. This was in result because of transportation and communication systems rise in technology.

culture shock- This had to do with the changes during the cold war. This would include The Berlin wall.

acid rain- A form of pollution in which toxic chemicals in the air come back to the earth as rain. This occurred because of power plants and factories

effects of Cold War- Some effects had to do with technology. One of the most famous events was the race into space. This was a race between the Soviets and the United States. This was eventually won by the Soviets.

why did democracy fail in many new nations?- Many of the new nations failed with democracy because they were not developed enough. They did not have the resources they needed to be a developed nation.

majority of world's wealth controlled by ?- The majority of the world’s wealth is controlled by the Soviet Union and the U.S. Theses powers emerged after WWII.

effect of urbanization in developing nations- Urbanization in developing nations made it productive in the economy. It created a populous area.

factories effect on environmental damage
- Factories have cause the environment to be polluted. The ozone layer is taking damage from this pollution.

factors contibuting to political instability in African nations- Aids and poverty have been factors in African nations. Also its population is another factor.

primary cause of global interdependence- The cause of global interdependence are natural resources and fuel.

global South- The global south is in need of help from other nations. They are still developing their nations.

modern technology- Modern technology has helped improve daily life such as machines being use to produce products more efficiently. Also it has produced medicine which is also a help in fighting diseases.


CH. 33

welfare state-
The Western European Nations recovered fairly quickly from WWII.   A major goal of these nations was to create a welfare state which had all of the features of a Capitalist society but had greater needs and care for its citizens.

Glasnost is ‘openness’.  This policy was part of a two step plan devised by Gorbachev who wanted to reform Russia. 

Dissident is someone who speaks out against a government.  Any person who talked in this way was immediately crushed by Brezhnev’s authority and power.

Government spending can often lead to deficit or the gap between what a government spends and what a government takes in through taxes and other resources.  With the deficit growing programs had to be cut ranging from education to welfare.

In the 1970s the nations of the United States and the Soviet Union decided to call a détente.  This détente was a relaxation of tensions between the two countries.

Leonid Brezhnev was the man who took over the Soviet Union.  He held power until 1982.  He suppressed anyone who spoke out against the government; he even arrested Critics for their opinions.

Charles de Gaulle-
Gaulle was the man who led Free France during the War.  He n 1958 set up a new constitution, and became president.  But he being a brave and intelligent leader has to give up Algeria in order for France to remain free and happy.

Martin Luther King Jr.-
Martin Luther King Jr. was a gifted preacher and a loving father.  He practiced nonviolent boycotts and lead peaceful marches through the streets to end segregation.

Joseph McCarthy-
McCarthy was a man full of suspicions.  He thought that some people were holding communist supporters in their house and trashed thousands of peoples reputations and lost others their jobs.

Margarent Thatcher-
Thatcher like many British leaders opposed making further links with Europe.  She and others thought that it would destroy their unique identity.  

Perestroika is the restructuring of the government and the economy.  This was the second step of the reforms made by Gorbachev. 

service industry-
A service industry is something that provides a service rather than a product.  Service industries include health care, finance, sales, education, and recreation.

Mikhail Gorbachev-
The man partially responsible for Russia’s final collapse.  He launched a two step program where a.  the government was open and b. the economy was open and free. 

Helmut Kohl-
Kohl was the architect of unity; he assured the Soviet Union as well as the West that a united Germany would provide no threat to peace.  In 1990, voters agreed and Kohl was elected to chancellor.

Nikita Krushchev-
He stated that “We shall bury you” this was not he explained later a military threat but was indeed a statement saying that capitalism will fail.  However his predictions never came through and the US and capitalism won.

Josip Tito-
After Tito died a fall of communism was near and a wave of nationalism appeared.  However this situation turned extreme and ethnic and religious fighting broke out.

Lech Walesa- Walesa helped to lead an independent trade union that was called Solidarity.  It claimed 10 million members who pressed for political change.  Walesa later became a national hero for his work. 

reunification of
Germany- The reunification of Germany has made it a strong nation. There is still tensions of Germany since its reunification.

goal of separatism in
Quebec- The goal of separatism in Quebec is to make an independent nation. There is struggle to make this happen.

result of central economic planning in the
Soviet Union- The result was a productive economy. The Soviet Union has become more industrialized.

civil war in
Yugoslavia- The civil war became deadly. It has created nothing but problems for the nation.