
    Gaily bedight,
A gallant knight,
In sunshine and in shadow,
    Had journeyed long,
    Singing a song,
In search of Eldorado.

    But he grew old
    This knight so bold —
And o'er his heart a shadow
    Fell, as he found
No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado.

    And, as his strength
    Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow —
    'Shadow,' said he,
    'Where can it be —
This land of Eldorado?'

    'Over the Mountains
    Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
    Ride, boldly ride,'
    The shade replied, —
'If you seek for Eldorado!'


 a. Identify how the poem meets the criteria of a narrative poem. 

The poem is narrative because it tells a story, is longer than the usual poem, has more than one character, has a setting, conflict, and a series of events that lead to a climax and conclusion, and the lines are divided into stanzas.






 b. Create hyperlinks that identify elements of plot in the poem. (setting, conflict, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Include a sentence or two of commentary with each hyperlink that will define the plot element listed above and offer a summary of what is happening in the poem at that moment. 


Setting: The knight is in a sunshine shadow area.







Conflict: The conflict is the knight is getting old and he is still in search for Eldorado.







Exposition: The character is a happy knight in a bedight style.







Rising Action: The knight thought that he found Eldorado but he didn’t.







Climax: The knight meets Shadow and asks him where is Eldorado.







Falling Action: The knight goes down the valley of the Shadow.







Resolution: The knight cannot find Eldorado.






2. Create hyperlinks that explain the allusion to "mountains of the moon," "Valley of the Shadow," and the shadow.

“mountains of the moon”: The mountains on the moon shows how tough getting over the mountains are.


“Valley of the Shadow”: The valley of the shadow shows that the valley is hard to see because it is so dull like a shadow.


“The Shadow”: The Shadow is the knight’s only help in finding Eldorado.


3. Create a hyperlink that explains what  Eldorado might symbolize.

Eldorado: Edlorado symbolizes all the wealth and riches the city has to offer.






4. Create hyperlinks for specific examples of diction at the beginning, middle and end of the poem and explain the connotation of the words.

Gallant: The connotation is that the knight is brave.







Old: The connotation is the knight is getting weak as he searches for Eldorado.







Boldly: The connotation is that the knight has the courage to keep on searching.