Kevin Beadle

Mr. Haskell

World History

31 January 2005


Ch. 27 Outline

              I.      Pressure for Peace

a.       Alfred Nobel who was the Swedish inventor of dynamite regretted the military uses of his invention.

b.      The Nobel Peace Prize was a reward each year to individuals whose work advanced the cause of peace.

c.       Aletta Jacobs was the first woman doctor in the Netherlands.

           II.      Aggressive Nationalism

a.       France’s power went downhill since the Franco-Prussian War and since Germany was the leading European power, the French longed for it again. 

b.      Russia had mostly Slavic people and they felt the right to defend al of them and others. 

c.       Balkan states would attack Turkey and it started to cause great tension problems. 

         III.      Economic and Imperial Rivalries

a.       Germany started to become a very big economic power and Britain felt threatened and outdated. 

b.      Germany thought they did not get enough respect for their great powers. 

c.       Britain and France were both upset with Germany for each of their reasons so Britain and Germany started to from closer together. 

        IV.      Militarism and Arms Race

a.       The spread of militarism started to pop up all over, or the glorification of one military. 

b.      Countries started really developing their military powers which further caused war.  They were starting to be called an arms race. 

c.       Military leaders started to get great respect because they were constantly turned to and given funds to build up the military more. 

           V.      A Tangle of Alliances

a.       Countries started to form together in alliances as to not be out-powered by other countries, so other countries did this as well. 

b.      Germany became allies with Austria-Hungary and Italy.  They were known as the Triple Alliance.

c.       France, Russia, and Britain became allies.  All this allying caused even more tension for war.

        VI.      A Murder with Millions of Victims

a.       Franz Ferdinand was the ruling tyrant who really got Austria-Hungry upset because he was visiting their on June 28th, the day which Serbia was conquered by the Ottoman Empire. 

b.      Man people planed on killing Franz and his wife but only one succeeded. 

c.       Gavrilo Princip was the man who was able to go up to the vehicle that Gavriol was in and shoot both him and his wife. 

      VII.      Peace Unravels

a.       An ultimatum is a final set of demands, which Austria sent Serbia before they attacked.

b.      On July 28th Austria went into war with Serbia because they did not accept all the demands.

c.       Neutrality is a policy of supporting no side in a war. 

   VIII.      Who’s Fault?

a.       Historians of today feel it is all the countries faults who were involved in the war.

b.      Austria was upset with Serbia for encouraging terrorism, and then on people just got allies and more allies to back each other up. 

c.       People were excited to go to war because it had not happened for a long time. 

        IX.      The Western Front

a.       Random groups of people would race over through the enemies trenches, maybe get past a few, and they were attacked.

b.      The force who just got raced over replaced their dead, and this went on for quite a while. 

c.       The two sides then got allies to attack, but still there was no advantage on either side. 

           X.      Other European Forces

a.       On the Eastern battle front casualties were even higher than in the west.

b.      Russia’s technology was the worst out of all the large powers, so they took a bad loss from Germany.  Some of Russia’s soldiers did not even have rifles. 

c.       Serbia was finally crushed when Bulgaria joined forces with central powers. 

        XI.      The War Beyond Europe

a.       Britain was blocking Germany off while Germany would go in and sink those boats with their U ships.  The got the U.S upset. 

b.      The Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers.

c.       The U.S tried to stay neutral but that did not last for long.

      XII.      Effects of Stalemate

a.       Total war is the channeling of nation’s total resources into war.

b.      ach side had a propaganda war, spreading information on the other sides to make them look bad. 

c.       The British and French would circulate things about other countries doing horrible things to innocent people. 

   XIII.      Women at War

a.       While men were out to war a lot of women would stay home and do the mens’ jobs, keeping the economy some what stable. 

b.      Other women would be on the fighting lines or in the Aid station aiding wounded soldiers in very poor conditions. 

c.       Some nurses even became national heroes. 

   XIV.      Collapsing Morale

a.       Everyone was becoming very poor.  Germany was sending 15 year olds to the front lines while Britain was on the brink of bankruptcy. 

b.      The Russian peoples were not happy with the effects of the wars so they started to riot for revolution.

c.       With Russia withdrawing from the war Germany concentrate its forces on the western front. 

     XV.      The United States Declares War

a.       Germany sunk a ship with 128 passengers that were American on it.

b.      More tension was caused once the Americans heard of Germany trying to get Mexico on their side by saying they would help Mexico conquer Arizon, New Mexico, and Texas.

c.       Wilson established “The Fourteen Points” to try to make peace for futer wars and such. 

   XVI.      Campaign to Victory

a.       The different countries of the war were collapsing.

b.      Germany said the war could not be won so they made their ruler step down.

c.       Germany’s new government sought out an armistice, or an end to the fighting. 

XVII.      The Costs of War

a.       Over 8.5 million people died from this war and double that were injured.

b.      The epidemic of influenza swept through after the war and killed 20 million more people. 

c.       The Allies demanded that the losers pay the debts of war. 

XVIII.      The Paris Peace Conference

a.         Woodrow Wilson encouraged everyone as a symbol of hope, even the Germans.

b.      Besides the U.S the other countries all wanted a little more than peace, they each wanted to do a little something to Germany.

c.       People who were ruled by the Central Powers demanded countries of their own after the war. 

   XIX.      The Treaty of Versailles

a.       The Allies made Germany sign something that said Germany was the full cause for the war.

b.      This treaty also made Germany pay many debts of the war.

c.       The treaty also made Germany pay for housing of the other countries soldiers.

     XX.      Other Settlements

a.       A bunch of different countries were erupting from once where Germany, Austria, and Russia were.

b.      Mandates are territories which were administered by western powers. 

c.       The allies had set up much of mandates.

   XXI.      Hopes for Global Peace

a.       A League of nations was made which over 40 peaceful nations joined together to try to keep peace.

b.      The Senate of the U.S did not let the U.S join the league other wise, Wilson would have.

c.       The League was really powerless to stop war, btu it was the first step in the right direction.